

Britax Römer letade efter en partner som kan lyfta deras varumärkesidentitet till en helt ny nivå i butiker över hela Norden.
Activation, Merchandising, POSM, Sales
Retail24 was chosen as the partner to be the project lead on a cross category setup on Finnkampen.
Activation, POSM
Together with Resorb we participated in the yearly motion run – DHL.
Starbucks® and Nestlé needed a supplier to secure premium quality POSM with maximum exposure in grocery stores in all Nordic countries.
HARIBO was in search for a sales partner to strengthening their position in the the Norwegian market.
Verso Food launched their new Beanit. Verso Food wants to do activities that get the people’s attention.
We were chosen to be a partner responsible of project management and execution of product sampling.
Dolce Gusto launched new models of coffee machines. Our task was to plan, produce and execute demo events for NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto across the Nordics during one month.
Nestle needed help to launch and promote their new product – YES!  We got the launch in the Nordics, starting with two events in Denmark.

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